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In June total completed construction in the EU decreased by 0.6% compared to previous month and increased by 0.3% compared to same month 2022, according to preliminary seasonally adjusted statistics from Eurostat. The production index has decreased some this year, but remains at a high level compared to the past 14 years.
Index of completed buildings construction (residential, schools, shops, etc.) in the EU decreased by 0.9% in June compared to previous month (-0.6% compared to 2022). Civil engineering construction increased by 0.5% (+5.4%). Seasonally adjusted figures.
As shown in the chart below; the indexes for construction in buildings and civil engineering are at high levels compared to the past 14 years.
The trend lines for the building construction and lumber import in the main European importing countries seen over a longer period of time correlate strongly. However, during the past two years the import has decreased clearly and the building construction has remained at a high level. (Import include May figures and construction June figures.)